Therapy tailored to your lifestyle.
In-Person and Online Therapy Services
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing or EMDR
EMDR uses a set of procedures to organize your negative and positive feelings, emotions, and thoughts, and then uses bilateral stimulation, such as eye movements or alternating tapping, as the way to help you effectively work through those disturbing memories.
Management of Behavior for Personality Disorders
Management is designed to reduce harm from behaviors. Behaviors to be reduced would include suicidal behavior, cutting (or other self harming behaviors), threatening behaviors, chemical abuse, or other forms of unsafe or overtly self destructive behavior. Management's purpose is to reduce unproductive escalations.
Trauma Informed Stabilization Treatment (TIST)
TIST or Trauma-Informed Stabilization Treatment was developed to provide a trauma-informed approach to the challenges of treating self-destructive behavior. Based on theoretical principles drawn from the neuroscience research on trauma and structural dissociation theory, TIST offers a treatment approach that integrates mindfulness-based cognitive therapy, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, ego state techniques, and Internal Family Systems. It has been used successfully to address the challenges of treating individuals with diagnoses of complex PTSD, borderline personality, bipolar disorder, addictive and eating disorders, and dissociative disorders. Because it contextualizes self-destructive behavior as trauma-related, patients feel less pathologized, increasing their motivation to overcome self-destructive impulses as a step toward overcoming trauma. (2022 Janina Fisher website)
Treatment of Behavior for Personality Disorders
Treatment is designed to repair the self and improve your behavior. Treatment is designed to make you behave, think and feel better. When moving from management to treatment we are trying to make improvements in your behavior, cognitions, and affect (emotions). There are three types of treatment:
Profound Treatment, Stylistic Treatment, Focal Treatment. After an in-depth assessment a treatment frame will be created with clear and stated goals and expectations for both you and myself.
Diagnostic Assessments
Diagnostic assessments through my agency will take into account your history (childhood through current), your psychological history and current worries, and your social environment including relationships and your community. These assessments will provide a diagnosis for mood disorders and personality disorders.
Collaborative Assessment & Management of Suicidality (CAMS)
CAMS will allow you to explore the direct and indirect drivers of your suicidal ideation and or behaviors. CAMS is a 12 week program where your suicidal ideation and behaviors will be reduced. CAMS is unique as it allows us to use other trauma informed therapy modalities to give you a holistic approach tailored to match your unique needs. Your reasons for contemplating suicide are not a one size fits all and healing your wounds should not be either.